Snippet definition for gr_business_entity.rb

# data-vocabulary `Person` snippet:
module RDF::Linter
    RDF::URI("") => {
      :identifier => "gr:BusinessEntity",
      # Properties to be used in snippet title
      :title_props => [""],
      # Properties to be used in snippet photo
      :photo_props => [""],
      # Properties to be used in snippet body
      :body_props => [
      :description_props => [
      # Properties to be used when snippet is nested
      :nested_props => [
      :property_value => %(
        - if res = yield(object)
          != res
        - elsif predicate == ""
          %img{:property => rel, :src => object.to_s, :alt => ""}
        - elsif object.literal?
          %span{:property => property, :content => get_content(object), :lang => get_lang(object), :datatype => get_dt_curie(object)}= escape_entities(get_value(object))
        - else
          %link{:property => rel, :href => get_curie(object)}
      # Priority of this snippet when multiple are matched. If it's missing, it's assumed to be 99
      # When multiple snippets are matched by an object, the one with the highest priority wins.
      :priority => 10,